A 12-week transformative online programme to equip managers to become ‘leader-coaches’. More

How to Get Unstuck

We’ve all been there.

You’re stuck.

You know you want to move forward, but you don’t know how.

The path ahead feels just too hard and you don’t know where to start.

It’s easy to get trapped here. Feeling overwhelmed with washing machine thoughts.

Your internal dialogue is running rampant: “What if I’m not ready? What if I don’t have the right skills or enough experience?”

What to do?

Here’s a 3-day programme could you try.

Day 1

Find a quiet spot, grab a journal, and complete this sentence:

“If I had all the skills, experience, and confidence I needed right now, and if I were free of all internal & external limitations in my life, what I would do is…”

Now, list every action you would take if you were completely free.

Write until you run out of ideas.

That’s it for Day 1.

Day 2

Look over your list.

Circle one item that you will commit to doing one time.

Just one.

This is your action for Day 2.

Day 3

Go do it!

If the task is too much for one day, take one small step toward completing it.

Action breeds action!


If you or someone you know could use a coach right now, then we’d love to see if we could help you.

Book a call with us here.