A 12-week transformative online programme to equip managers to become ‘leader-coaches’. More

“Leading Extraordinary Performance™” Programme

18 April 2023 – 20 October 2023

Create high impact leadership environments to take your people to new heights of engagement, agility and delivery

Senior leaders are contending with a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected and complex. This programme will have you elevate your impact. This is about having you succeed in an environment that demands a new level of agility. Over four intense sessions we will go on a journey of discovery. We’ll have you inquire at depth into some of the key aspects of leadership in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environments:

  • Creating High Impact Environments
    How can leaders create a space that makes new things possible, compels people into action and where extraordinary results can be delivered?
  • Powerful Engagement, Motivation and Inspiration
    How do you connect with, engage, motivate and inspire other human beings that are already highly committed and hard-working. How do you discover the emergent potential of the present moment and bring forth all that your colleagues have to offer?
  • Dealing with Uncertainty and Being Agile
    How can we take advantage of the latest research on complexity to be effective leaders in unpredictable environments and re-invent how we design our work-systems?
  • Accountability and Delivery
    How do we effectively resolve problems, elicit commitment and hold people accountable in fast-changing environments?
  • Designing Your Leadership
    How do we expand beyond our preferred way of leading to ensure our leadership is relevant and impactful as circumstances and people constantly change?
  • Building More Leaders
    How do we build leaders around us that are willing and able to take on new challenges and opportunities? How do we build leaders who are compelled into high-impact action in service of what we are committed to?
  • Building Communities
    How do we build powerful communities for innovation, experimentation, support and development in a highly interconnected and complex world?

We are committed to this senior leadership programme adding real measurable value to both yourself and your organisation before the end of the last session. We will ensure that this programme makes a real difference to what you are committed to and that we address relevant and timely issues. To this end, we will ask you in the first session to take on the delivery of a self-selected project that goes beyond what you would ordinarily be able to deliver – something that would require extraordinary leadership from you. As part of this ‘stretch project’ you experiment with your new insights and learning. This will be a barometer for your growth and impact as a leader.

You will explore the topics above and work on your project in a small group setting with fellow senior leaders. FirstHuman’s four Partners will guide and lead you through four intense, high-impact sessions that form to cornerstones of the programme. You will also be able to call on us between sessions to support and coach you in your learning, project delivery and any other matter where we can be of assistance.

“FirstHuman were very provocative and energetic in the way you presented and made us think. Your facilitators were challenging in the way that you engaged us and I think that that’s necessary in a programme like this, because you need to probe and to be provocative. It was a different approach to things that was very balanced, knowledgeable and thoughtful. We need people like this to make us think and take us out of that comfort zone that we’re in.” –Izaskun Barquin, CEVA Logistics Sector Head for Global Cosmetics and Personal Care

Please contact us if you want more information or would like to request a space on an upcoming programme:

+44 (0)20 3325 2183



Learn more about the experience of CEVA Logistics where we are delivering a two-session in-house Leadership Development Centre leveraging some of the key inquiries that the High Impact Leadership programme includes.